Monimichelle To Construct First Hybrid-Natural Pitch In Nigeria


The Chief Executive Officer of Monimichelle Sports Facility Construction Company, Mr. Ebi Egbe has confirmed the readiness of his company to construct the very first significant hybrid-natural pitch in Nigeria.

“We are currently about to construct the very first hybrid-natural pitch in Nigeria

Let’s not forget that the last UEFA Champions League finals in turkey was played on a hybrid-natural pitch.

Almost all the EPL teams play on synthetic and natural infused pitches”.

The construction boss called on state governments in Nigeria, private investors, football club proprietors, and management of professional football clubs in Africa to buy into this innovative hybrid natural and hybrid synthetic turf’s that has the innovative 100% water permeability features that eradicates any form of water logging during games.

“If Nigeria can adopt maintanance culture in our sports infrastructure industry, I can bet my bottom dollar that Nigeria can conveniently host big tournaments with ease”.

Ebi Egbe stressed the need to have sustainable pitches all over Africa, sighting lack of maintenance culture as the bane of grass pitches.

“100% grass pitches no doubt are still number one in the FIFA pitch categories but they are not sustainable pitches and they also can’t sustain high traffic like the other categories of pitches like the hybrid stitch, hybrid-natural and hybrid-synthetic pitches”.

The sports facility construction maestro explained that the latest innovative technology which is hundred percent synthetic remains the most sustainable football turf for Africa pitches because of its advantage of having a drainage system in every part of the grass.

“we are currently on a recruitment drive for young agronomists that we can work with in my expatriate team”.

He further described the latest hybrid technology as the future for Africa’s turf and notes that the technology requires a workable Sub-base drainage system that will aid the free flow of water from the pitch within the space of seconds, making the turf playable in the face of a downpour.

Mr. Egbe affirmed that the FIFA approved hybrid football pitch which is produced by a foreign company has also licensed his own company as the only Sports Facility firm that has the required standard to purchase and install the hybrid pitch across the entire African continent.